What if the highway does not have highway guardrails

  1. If the highway does not have a highway guardrail , the traffic accident will be more serious. There are a lot of friends traveling during the holidays, and there are also many accidents involving multiple cars on the highway. It is not uncommon for cars to be knocked out of the barrier. If there is no barrier, the damage to the bus that is knocked out will be more serious, and the mortality rate will be greatly increased .
  2. If there is no wave guard on the expressway, it may cause a crash and the master cannot drive in the correct direction. Wave barriers are installed on both sides of the road to remind the driver that this is the edge line on both sides of the road; the driver will see clearly during the day, but friends who often drive at night will know that if there is no barrier, it may cause more and more changes. Serious accident.
  3. If there is no wave-shaped barrier on the highway, traffic accidents will increase sharply, but when we drive on the highway, we often see barriers with varying degrees of damage, some barriers have been deformed, and some columns tilt. In this case, the barriers have a good protective effect, saving the lives of the vehicle and the driver; if there is no barrier, the vehicle will roll directly down the slope and the driver's chance of survival is greatly reduced.
  Because the role of the wave barrier is very huge, every driver master must protect public transportation facilities to ensure the safety of others, and at the same time ensure their own safety.